
In the Past Two Months I....

Dear Mom,

In the past two months I went on a 20 mile hike with Jerusalem friends.

And then I got poison oak.

Went to a Matisyahu concert. He's a....well, reggae, rap, Hassidic Jewishish musician. It was free and it was crazy. My friend and I got clobbered as we were forced to the front. Girls were passing out until they were crowd carried to security so they could be taken away. And my shoes broke as per usual so my feet took a brutal beating.
Apparently Maybeline doesn't hold up in concerts.
My friend Emi and me afterwards. Our friends were pretty sure she got second hand high.

Replaced my brakes pads and the rotors while still wearing girly clothes. It wasn't all my myself of course but under the tutelage of my manly Jerusa-friend Bryan.

And I got a job with health benefits!! Thank you State of Utah.


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