
Film Appreciation

Dearest Darlingest Momsy and Popsy (if he even reads this)-

I'm sure you two didn't realize but I stole Dad's Minolta from his miss. a couple of years ago and have been using it ever since. Digital is great and I'm the number one advocate of efficiency, but despite some of the grainy images below I think there's a magic that only film can capture...literally:)


Below is actually a pic of CJ. I ran into him randomly at a Stake Party where they were giving out free food and glow sticks. The funny thing was neither of us were in that Stake.

Some of my favs from DC.

Above: Washington Monument
Below: The day after Obama was elected. The Newsuem downtown put out the front covers of major newspapers around the country. I think the rest are self-explanatory.


Jon said...


Ron said...

I love all of these...definitely camera jealous